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A reflection

As the first semester is done, I feel like now is a great time to do some reflection on the BASM programme and my experience so far.

Firstly, I am not going to lie, when I first started my master's, like many students that I have spoken to, I had my hesitation about the quality of teaching and content seeing that it was all going to be online. But my lecturers really did an amazing job and thanks to them, I feel like the teaching I received this semester is no different to what I would have received in person. Seeing how stressful it was for me to adapt to watching pre-recorded lectures before attending live lectures, I imagine that it was even more stressful for those providing the content so a big thank you to all my lecturers.

Secondly, the first semester was challenging but in a good way. The modules are designed to really make you think and develop your analytical skills which can be challenging if your previous course was for example, theory-based. The BASM program is both theory and practice, you get a chance to apply what you learnt through case studies. Despite this being challenging, it is also one of the best features of the course and it gets easier the more case studies you go through.

The modules studied in the first semester were beneficial to me in so many ways. For example, in the Business Model module, I got to learn how to identify a company’s business model, its dependencies and constraints which is something I did not know. Also, in one other module, Analysing Companies, I had the chance to examine the impact of activist investors on corporations and I feel that this module really increased my commercial awareness as every week we covered different companies trending in the business world.

The format of the classes was another thing that was great about this course as it encouraged students to debate different business issues relating to a specific case study for that week. Even if you are not keen on participating in class discussions, it is always helpful to hear other people’s views on a particular problem. Overall, the first semester has been good, a bit intense and challenging but also rewarding. I feel that it is meeting my learning goals and expectations.