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Alumni Insights: Delores-Joan Idumesaro, MSc International HRM and Comparative Industrial Relations

A photo of MSc International HRM and Comparative Industrial Relations alumna, Delores-Joan Idumesaro

Delores-Joan Idumesaro completed the MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations degree course in 2016. Here she reflects on her experience at Alliance MBS and what she’s been doing since graduation.

Why did you choose to study this Master's course at Alliance MBS?

“I chose to study my course at Alliance MBS because I wanted a university that had a strong global reputation, and Alliance MBS exceeded my expectation. With up-to-date lecturers in their field and a top-notch teaching environment, I wasn’t disappointed. Another thing that appealed to me strongly was how diverse the University was. It truly is a melting pot of cultures and I believed it would better position me for life in the real world.”

What were you doing before your MSc?

“Before starting my Master's, I was fresh out of my undergraduate course, hungry for even more learning, and ready to take on the world.”

What were the top 3 highlights of your programme?

“I created lots of great memories whilst undergoing my programme and the ones that stand out are;

  • Orientation: We had a weekend visit to Brathay in The Lake District. This was a really good time to bond and get to know my other coursemates. I got to do activities like abseiling and kayaking that I hadn’t done before. I look at the pictures we took to this day and it always brings a smile to my face.
  • Tribunal courts visit: This really stood out to me because I got to experience the real inner workings of a tribunal court. It took learning a step further as areas we had discussed in lectures, were experienced first-hand.
  • Graduation: Working diligently on my programme for a whole year and finishing with good grades, with my family and friends proud of me, was such a great feeling.
  • CIPD Competition: I was on the CIPD route on my course and my team won a ‘Presentation Competition’. I was so happy being handed our certificate of victory.”

What have you been doing since graduation?

“Since graduating, I have started an online food delivery business and I currently work as a Programs Associate with an NGO in Nigeria.”

How has your time at Alliance Manchester Business School helped you in your career?

“My current job requires a lot of structured writing and I’m so thankful I attended the many writing workshops that were organised by AMBS. It is so much easier to put my thoughts on paper and deliver a cohesive document that passes a message.”

What advice would you give to those considering studying at Alliance Manchester Business School?

“If you want a wholesome university experience, then Alliance Manchester Business School is for you. Choosing a university can be a daunting process because apart from the learning you’ll also want a great community to be a part of.

"AMBS offered me a great learning experience and I quickly eased into community life, as I met very warm and kind individuals that were always quick to offer me help whenever I needed it. My lecturers were well versed in their area of expertise and transferred knowledge to us in a simple way that you’ll always remember.

"Come along with your umbrella folks, because it always rains in Manchester, but it’s the best choice you’ll make for your education.

"You don’t only get a certificate at the end of your course; you get knowledge and experiences that stay with you a lifetime.”

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Learn more about MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations