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Career Support and Employability Workshops

An integral part of postgraduate life is career support. The AMBS Postgraduate Career Services (PCS) provides active support to the students of the business school looking to advance in their professional life.

During the initial weeks of the academic year start, we are introduced to the services provided by the Careers team. The PCS organizes weekly careers seminars and workshops which runs throughout the semester. It lets the students interact with industry experts and prepare themselves for the path ahead. The students have a chance to connect with the alumni and understand what and how did they proceed with their job applications and eventually lend themselves with the job.

Moreover, you have the access to the Job Page, where you can see and filter jobs according to your interests and apply to them easily. You can book a One-to-One appointment with the dedicated team to get your career profile evaluated. On request, the PCS organizes Mock Interviews so that the students can give their best on the interview day.

What I found to be the most helpful was that the PCS provides the students with guidance on writing Cover letters. While applying for any job, the company asks for a cover letter and that is the first impression the company would have about you. So it is really important to have a good cover letter. The PCS team offers tips on how to have a good CV/Resume or helps in evaluating the accuracy of the CV/Resume. Students coming from different parts of the world can have their CV/Resume in different styles, thus becomes very important to take advice on what is the most appropriate style to follow.

As a student who is looking to improve on skills and doesn’t exactly know what the companies who are recruiting might require, the careers team has a skills & strength self-assessment. I took the test and I came to know what and how could I improve on some skills. If you want to start your own business or have an idea and need that push to convert it into a business, the Masood Enterprise Centre (MEC) is the place for you. MEC helps the students to start their own business and the students can also secure initial funding if the idea is promising.

The most exciting event and the one that I wait for everytime is the MSc Social. It happens after each career workshop or alumni seminars and students from all MSc courses meet and interact with each other. As my course is all about networking, it is really exciting to talk to people with different mindsets. There are different activities within the social event wherein you are obliged to interact with students to accomplish the tasks.

All in all, the Postgraduate Career Services (PCS) is available to help you with everything that can help you excel in your professional life. Don’t forget the Socials!

A career support workshop being held at Alliance Manchester Business School