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Ciao from Milano! Come Stai?

I have to say that my Italian has improved greatly since the last blog post, however, there’s still some improvement to go!

The weather has certainly improved too since I first arrived. This blog post is mainly going to focus on my life in Milan at Bocconi but also some abstract tips and advice to consider before you come to Bocconi.

Do units which you wouldn’t usually do – and select units which have specialists at Bocconi.

This semester I’m doing two units I never would have realised that I enjoyed. Innovative retail design and Green Management. So far, I’ve been really surprised. I’ve definitely enjoyed every part of these units so far, implementing a practical approach too! I’m excited that I’ll be undertaking group work with Piaggio Group a top mobility firm and a top consulting firm – Accenture. Make the most of your experience here; discover new things and you won’t regret it.

Get involved in local societies at Bocconi, not just the Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESN is a great way to meet individuals like you on exchange from all around Europe. However, don’t limit yourself to this network. Join Bocconi societies to do extracurricular work and get involved in the variety of events they have to offer. I am lucky enough to be a member of the Luxury Bocconi Student Society. My job in the society is to help organise events for the society. It’s so far been great to be able to meet like-minded people and a diverse set of students. Last week I was lucky enough to go to Florence to visit the heritage museum of Gucci – Gucci Gardens. Taking the brand experience to a whole new level.

Stay on top of your work

Bocconi has a lot of work and you’ll have to take 5 units. Especially that each unit has at least one group work and an individual assessment or exam. Moreover, the hours of class are double at Bocconi for each unit. The campus will be your best friend. Make sure that you work every day on your work, whether it’s in the morning or in the evening. You might not have time to prepare for exams given all the course work during the semester, but as long as you stay on track of your notes, readings and work, you’ll be fine.

Organise your time wisely: you can enjoy an Aperitivo, see Italy’s wonders and do well.

Yes in line with the above, you can organise your time wisely to enjoy and discover some parts of Milan. Usually, I work at least 4 hours a day on separate work (apart from my time in class) and then either in the evening or on the weekends, I’ll take a break. Milan has so many different districts to discover and the famous Aperitivo! That’s right, for as much as €11, you can have a drink and an all you can eat buffet, in literally every bar across Milan! It’s a great way to wind down after a long day and try local delicacies.

Bring two bank cards with you

In the first 2 weeks, my bank card stopped working all of a sudden. I didn’t have a second option and I couldn’t get the card sent to me. So, I had to go back to Belgium to sort out my card, just for a day. Why just a day? The work as Bocconi is far more than I experienced in the first semester at Manchester. I didn’t have time to stay much longer in Belgium. Moral of the story, get an Italian bank account or pack two bank cards – it’ll be very useful, trust me.

Pack skirts – the weather will get better

I didn’t pack any skirts thinking that the weather would be like last year, 5 meters of snow. Well with the effects of climate change, if you come to Milan pack a variety of clothes not just jumpers, trousers but a variety. You’ll need it for the high weather fluctuation. 

That’s the most out-there advice I can give to you so far. Until next time for another set of adventures.


A building in Milan

Gucci Garden, Milan