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Day trip to the Peak District

So as we commonly hear ‘Travel is a source of Victory’. Not all wisdom and knowledge can be attained by staying in classrooms or hanging out in the library. I admire travelling and adventures, as it not only refreshes me out from my workload but also gives me an opportunity to explore, experience, and grow. Since being in the UK for my PG studies, I have travelled not many but few places due to academic time constraints.

The day trip to the Peak District was a very spontaneous and random plan that my groupmate threw upon us while we were working on our group coursework. To which we agreed, and first thing first, a group chat was created with all the members willing to go on an adventure before getting occupied with coursework deadlines.

The next day we all met at Piccadilly Train Station at 8 am in the morning and took the train to reach the destination. It was a 45 minutes journey so not a long trip. During the route, the train passed through agricultural lands, lush green hills, and forests, and it raised my hopes high that the place we are going to will be filled with exciting aesthetic landscapes. The weather that day was better than expected, the sun was out, the calm breeze blew over us and I was full of energy to hike at Mam Tor, one of the hills surrounding the Peak District area. We hiked there, stopping in between for some memorable pictures, absorbing the atmosphere and the scenic view as we climbed high. During the process, we soaked our shoes and even slipped in the damp muddy soft grounds created due to rainfall and snowfall earlier and we realized that we needed a special pair of boots for this, but no one cared as we were too engaged in this fun activity.

As we approached the highest point of the hill- Mam Tor, the wind grew stronger, sometimes we would hold wooden fences, or would bend pushing against the forceful breeze and climbed. In an hour or so we managed to successfully reach the hilltop and there it was an eagle eye view (not to brag), but yes a whole view of the countryside. Although the wind was so strong that we could not withstand it, the point we were at was worth all the effort.

Trips like these are always worthwhile, especially with the classmates, you get to spend some time outside the lecture halls and group study rooms and enjoy leisure time together.

A view of some hikers in the Peak District during a sunny day

A rainbow that can be seen through the clouds in the Peak District