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Examination preparation tips

As the examination period is approaching, it is time to put revision on schedule. Since there are numerous modules and chapters to revise, it could be hard to even figure out where to begin the revision plan. This blog will provide some advice on preparing for the exam and releasing overwhelming stress.

Setting making the agenda as the first step of revision is always beneficial. We could find all the examination period lists of all programmes on the MyManchester website which will be released at least one month ahead. Then we could gain information on which chapters or sessions of the module would be tested at the exam from the lecturers of each programme. Generally, these topics tested in midterm exams would be removed from the final exam testing scope. If lucky enough, the lecturer would specify the exam range to a certain theory or scope.

Once adequate information is gathered, we could arrange the agenda according to when the exam takes place, how long it takes you to review, and the importance of the exam judged by the credit it is worth. It is suggested that, besides the previous revision planned for each exam, arranging another one day, or half-day right ahead of the exam beginning would be amazingly beneficial. It helps us to turn our minds around from the previous subjects we were reviewing to the subject of the next exam. This point becomes significantly important when we are having different types of exams, such as having numerical exams after a reading emphasised subject.

During revision, it is always great if we could go through the whole session in detail. However, if time is not enough for a thorough review, it would be better to review the key points and theories only. Generally, the lecturer would suggest which documents, articles or materials to review, practice could maximize the efficiency of reviewing. It would be significant to follow their advice as they are involved in the design of the examination paper. It is also suggested to practice more actual questions than continuously reading concepts and theories. There is a website available for all students that kept all past exam papers, we could practice these as there is always something similar between each year’s exam paper. Besides, there would be practising questions the lecturer sent to us when class, these are useful as well, some questions we practised during class could have exactly the same structure as the examination.

Moreover, we could prepare documents we might need during the examination to avoid unnecessary waste of time. For example, if it is known that we would write an essay during the examination, or we would need to write a working paper; we could create a blank document with a full filled document name, standard document format and necessary information. This could save some time and avoid forgetting some important format requirements. Also, we could prepare ideas for the examination. For instance, if the lecturer has informed us of the main topic of the essay to be written during a limited time exam, we could predict and guess what potential essay question it could be in advance. Then we could prepare and outline what we could write regarding the question. It could be hard to predict the real question in the exam, but the more ideas and plans we prepare, the more likely a similar exam question could be anticipated; and the more opinions could come up while writing the essay.

Taking the exam is not hard as long as enough preparation is made, and adequate confidence is carried. I hope you all have a great result in all your exams.

A view of a street in Manchester city centre

A busy street in Manchester city centre