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Exams, stress, deadlines and everything in between!

Before you know it, the exam season will be here. The workload can be overwhelming at times, especially since it’s a Masters Degree and the professors have very high expectations.  It’s very easy to get stressed out, so here are some tips to get through the exam season:

Start early

Leaving everything for the last minute is a sure shot recipe for disaster. You must give yourself plenty of time to read and get familiar with the literature.

Plan ahead

The dates of the submissions are communicated at least 2 months in advance so you should make a realistic to-do list.

Group study

Studying with friends is a good way to help de-stress. You can discuss the topics and always grab a cup of coffee with them later.

Use the library

The library runs various sessions and workshops to help with writing essays and they even hand out goodies.

Pay attention during lectures and make notes

The topics covered are very vast and it helps to narrow the scope if you are attentive during the lectures because then you’ll know exactly what the professor expects from you.

Ask questions

You must ask a lot of questions about what is expected from you and your academic piece, especially if you are an international student because the UK education system might be very different from the one followed in your country.

Take a break

Deadlines can be daunting but it’s important to take a break and get some fresh air. It increases productivity and helps the mind relax.

Sleep and eat well

Get enough rest the night before the exam and eat healthily.

Finally, go take that exam and submit the essay! Put in your best and don’t stress about the rest.

An open laptop with revision notes on the screen

Payal Mehta with her laptop in a cafe

Revision notes and highlighter pens

Payal Mehta and two friends sitting on a sofa