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Final Reflections

I have to start this blog by saying I cannot believe this year is already over! What a crazy year it has been, but I would not change my AMBS experience for the world.

With my degree now officially being finished, I couldn’t think of a better way to round off my blogs than with a quick debrief on what I have been doing since finishing my exams and reflecting on my time at AMBS through a few tips to my first-year self.

What Next?

Firstly, what am I doing now? As I have stated previously, I am fortunate enough to have confirmed a graduate position at Accenture in March 2022. This has meant I could enjoy some downtime after a stressful exam period, including a Lake District trip, which allowed me to truly be at one with nature (and see more dogs than you could imagine!)

I have also been spending time out celebrating, and planning my family graduation, as unfortunately our in-person ceremony has been pushed back by Covid-19, but nevertheless has been super exciting to plan, allowing me to truly reflect on my achievements and time at UoM. Whilst prepping this celebration, I thought about what tips I would give my first-year self that I felt might be helpful to relay.

Tips To First-Year Self

1. Ask Questions

As someone who was incredibly shy, the thought of asking any questions in the first year would have been absurd, but since becoming more confident and putting questions to my lecturers, seminar tutors and peers, I have seen my grades go from strength to strength, so the correlation is definitely there – ASK QUESTIONS!!

2. Get Involved

As cliché as it might sound to say get involved with everything, I cannot stress this tip’s importance. Everyone always emphasizes trying different societies, sports, volunteering opportunities – the list is endless – but it’s essential! This is because, as I reflect upon my AMBS experience, probably my biggest regret is not getting involved as much as I could have, especially in my first year, which could have opened up possibilities to new hobbies and friends, so definitely get involved.

This also includes seminars, work preparation and more offered by AMBS, get involved because this added experience can only heighten your prepped knowledge for the workplace after university.

3. Enjoy

To finish this blog off, my final tip is just to make sure you enjoy yourself. I know there are times when it feels like all you can do is work, but make sure you make time for yourself and your friends. University is the greatest bubble that you never want to leave, as long as you balance your time effectively. Make sure you go for dinner, walks, have movie nights in – whatever it is that you enjoy doing, make sure you still do that. University is the greatest three years, so enjoy it.

With these tips my university experience draws to a close, so for now it is goodbye to AMBS, you will be truly missed.

Chloe Softly and her friends outside a building

Chloe Softly and her friends outside with a lake in the background