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Increasing your employability

Hi Everyone! Congratulations for getting your exams done, now it is time to enjoy our summer holiday!

Although due to the pandemic many plans are disrupted, this is also a time for us to enrich ourselves with new information and prepare ourselves with for upcoming challenges. Most companies usually advertise their internship/graduate scheme positions later on in the year (Mid-August to December), so it might be a good time to start preparing now. I’ve listed several resources available to all UoM students below:

Passport careers

Students are given the chance to subscribe to passport careers for free. They regularly organise workshops on LinkedIn and would are a very beneficial point of reference.

Careers service workshop

There are several recorded workshops being uploaded to UoM careers service’s YouTube channel. The workshops cover topics such as LinkedIn, psychometric testing and more. 

Careers Service

There is a list of resources available for UoM students from the careers service at: If you are currently in the process of preparing for interviews/assessment centres, a very good exercise would be completing mock interviews with the help of the careers service of UoM. You can book a session by using the careers link website once you have a login for your account.

Psychometric tests

An unavoidable challenge during the recruitment process will be taking psychometric tests where employers test your suitability with the company’s culture while understanding your strength and weaknesses. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Having multiple attempts at these tests will help you to gain an understanding of different types of questions asked in the tests.  There are various practice resources where students are even given the chance to access a potential banking sector interview questions for job preparation, and reasoning tests, situational judgement, and personality questionnaires. You will also receive feedback on your answers and pointers about where you can improve.

Free virtual internships

If there are restrictions on travelling but you still want to take the opportunity to develop work experience. Inside Sherpa is a great website with various free virtual internships offered by different companies, where you will be tasked with similar activities that you would expect in graduate roles. All virtual internships are free and cover various industries, including the legal sector, consulting, accounting and even banking.

There are various resources offered to UoM students to further develop their employability and it’s such a waste if we do not put them to good use. All the best and good luck with your job hunting!