I've finished my exams and am slowly working on my dissertation. All the lectures and teaching are over so I can relax for a bit before the dissertation stress comes in. So I thought I'd use this blog to reflect on my overall experience of MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management up to now. To keep it nice and short, I've made a list of hints & tips.
- There are welcome activities at university that you can go to, to help you settle in. There are also free walking tours around the city that show you around Manchester and teach some history.
- Take advantage of the Brathay trip. Don't make firm plans before you find out your Brathay day. It's all paid for and definitely worth it.
- Make an educated choice of your electives. You can take one elective from a different MSc, and you need to pick certain electives to get your CIPS.
- Make use of your programme budget – we spent on a theme park trip and an End of Exams/Alumni Talk (a 3-hour event with wine, beer and food with current students, alumni and lecturers).
- Dissertation topics are chosen in February, so be prepared in case you want to pick your own topic – you will have to find a supervisor yourself and propose your topic.
- Make use of the group study spaces in the library and the learning commons (you can book them on the student portal).
- The new AMBS building is open until 8pm but you can stay longer if you tell security that you're a postgrad and show your ID.
- Take advantage of the student discount that you can get with your ID at different places around Manchester. For example, students play pool for free at Dog Ballroom.

Fedor Korablev
I am Fedor Korablev an MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management student here at AMBS, Class of 2019.
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