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Networking and applying for jobs

Happy spring! I hope you all are enjoying the warmer weather. I’ve taken this opportunity to be outdoors more and have been hiking a lot.

With the semester ending in just a few weeks here at AMBS, all of my classmates have started to look at applying for jobs. The job search process varies based on the industry you want to work in and the country as well!

Prior to coming to Manchester, I worked in the music industry at a record label and plan to continue working in the same industry. I am applying for jobs in the U.K. as well as jobs back home in the U.S.! As an international student on a student visa, I cannot begin working a full-time position in the U.K. until after I have submitted my dissertation in September. There are a number of job application routes to take including grad schemes and traditional online applications, but what I’ve learned is really important, particularly my industry, is networking. Your network will help you in your job search immensely. Someone in your network may know about a job that isn’t posted online yet or may serve as a great reference on your applications.

Reach out to people that work in their line of work or you want to learn what their exact role is at their industry. Networking is not always easy to do though. LinkedIn is a great resource for networking, but people do not always respond to your direct messages and that’s okay. It is very important to remain active on the platform as well because potential employers will look at your profile. LinkedIn is a professional way to show your interests and expand your network. Comment on posts that interest you, share your thoughts and engage with what people in your industry are talking about.

Your network doesn’t only have to be professionals in your field, it can also be your peers and professors! I have a professor that is helping me prepare for interviews and giving me advice on my job search. I have peers that know people that work in my line of work and have offered to help connect with them. It is a small world, and you never know who the person could be to help get your foot in the door at a company. Remain open to every opportunity you see.

AMBS also has a number of sources to help guide you in your job search. The AMBS Postgraduate Careers Service holds weekly events to give students insights on different aspects of the job application process. In addition to these events, they also send out weekly emails to keep students up to date on everything they are doing. Different societies on campus also hold masterclasses that can also help you widen your network. For example, I went to a masterclass with an AMBS alumni that now works at Spotify! I have now added him to my network and reached out to him to learn more about what he does.

The job search can be very daunting, but luckily AMBS provides a lot of resources to help you on your search. Just remain positive and know what it is you want to do!

A park in the state of Florida

Michelle Boursiquot in a park