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Reflection of 2nd Semester – MSc Management.

Master's in management has a diverse set of courses. While the first semester focused on building management basics, the second semester focused on improvements and futuristic vision in business management. In this blog, I will be sharing my learning experience of the second semester in MSc Management.

With different learning structures and evaluations, 2nd semester was a great learning experience. I had four courses: Organisational Psychology, Sustainability and Social responsibility, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, and Comparative Employment Relations and International Human Resource Management. While few courses had weekly tasks, few had an applied lecture evaluation.

Organisational Psychology focuses on improving motivation at workplaces, job designs, leadership skills, stress management, etc. The necessary qualities and skills managers must possess to lead a team effectively. This gives an in-depth knowledge about workplace behaviours and how to alter them to achieve results. Sustainability and social responsibility teach about building sustainable business models, strategies, and marketing. It helps to understand the recent trends in global business developments and organisations' sustainable business models.

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship introduces the importance of innovation in the business world. The course covers the basics of knowledge sourcing for innovation to formulating innovation in global businesses. A key quality of a manager or a leader is to proactively build and develop resources for the company's growth. Understanding innovation and creating a culture of innovation in organisations is an important factor for the success of firms. Comparative employment relations and International HRM discusses global employment policies, corporate governances, and welfare systems. It had provided key insights into global HR policies and employment regulations. Although this course didn't have any pure HRM topics, the discussion on international HRM practices had given a broader perspective of hiring and management.

Each course had given different skills to learn to become an effective manager/leader. While some help in building the organisation and the other in effectively managing the organisation. The assessments helped in understanding the critical thinking and analysis of business cases. I have two courses as part of 3rd semester. Business research project and Trends in global business management focusing on developing research-based analysis and current global trends. Looking forward to learning new areas of management and gain experience.