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Student Insights: Ricky Winata, MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship

Ricky Winata

We caught up with MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship student Ricky Winata, from the Class of 2022. 

1. Why did you choose to study this Masters course at Alliance Manchester Business School?

I want to study a more practical course to help me in my future journey in the tech industry back in my home country in Indonesia. Innovation and entrepreneurship are essentials to make a sustainable and market fit business model that potentially has a high social impact.

2. What were you doing before your MSc?

I was working as a Product Manager at Tokopedia, the biggest e-commerce company in Indonesia.

3. What are your career plans after graduation?

I’d love to come back working in product management at a smaller scale start-up, preferably start-ups with high social impact in its business model.

4. What is the best thing about studying at Alliance MBS?

I am really blessed to have classmates from all around the world to discuss and debate with, not only within the course topic but also any social issue in the world. Having a different perspective really taught me a lot to be more critical and open-minded.

5. How much time do you spend in classes and in private study?

My classes usually run for 2 to 3 hours a day, and I usually study for 1 to 2 hours a day depending on the assignments.

6. How would you describe your student experience so far?

It has been a thrilling ride, a balance between academic knowledge, soft-skill through group work, and recreation with my friends. I’m looking forward to more adventures in the future.

7. What’s the best thing about living in Manchester?

Manchester is located right in the middle of England, providing faster access to any of the other cities for vacation over the weekend. It’s also a big city that provides everything while not too big that I can actually walk myself everywhere, plus Manchester is much cheaper than London.

8. What advice would you give to those considering studying at Alliance MBS?

Meet international friends as many as you can, AMBS have many activities through career service, student union societies, and international society. They will give invaluable knowledge and friendship that will last for life.