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The difference between undergraduate and postgraduate study

In the first semester of the master I was taking four compulsory courses: Theories of International Business, International Business Strategy, Comparative Business Management and Research Methods. All of them were super interesting and gave us an idea of how businesses are conducted across countries.

However, the way of teaching and evaluating here are very different from what I had experienced before in my undergrad. First of all, in terms of teaching style, it is basically the professor giving a lecture, usually incentivising participation among students, and trying to teach us with examples and theories everything he/she can in two hours. This is accompanied by a seminar of one hour and one laboratory for research methods, of three hours per week.

The seminars are not usually every week, but they are a good place to have more interaction with lecturers because groups are small. In terms of evaluation, the biggest difference from my previous studies is that here there are a lot of assignments that are not evaluated. The main objective of these assignments is to help you prepare for the evaluated ones through the feedback from professors and the experienced gained by applying the course' theories. In December, we had a one-month break, and after that, all the exams and essays were due.

It is very important that if you are planning on visiting your family during the holidays, you organise everything to be able to have all the essays ready on time and be prepared for the exams. It is a lot of material to cover and it's almost impossible to do it in just a few days before the exam. Next semester I'm taking one compulsory course and three electives: Frontiers in International Business and Management, Marketing Issues in International Business, Multinational Business Finance and Responsible Business in a Global Environment. The second semester is starting in a week and I'm very excited about the courses I picked. Another good thing about this semester is that the new building of the business school is now opened. I have been able to study there the past week and it offers a lot of space to study individually or in groups, there are several places to eat and the place looks amazing.

The difference between undergraduate and postgraduate study - Campus

The difference between undergraduate and postgraduate study - Friends