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Tips for Video Job Interviews

I secured my graduate role in September after a series of video interviews so I thought I would share a few tips I learnt from the process:

Location is key

Find a quiet space ideally, that is well lit (natural light is best so maybe in front of a window if it doesn’t affect your vision) with a neutral background in an area free from distractions. I always make sure my family know that I’ll be on a call so they know not to burst in or start hoovering!

Test the technology

In preparation for the interview check your equipment is working well (camera, microphone, internet connection) and check which video platform that the company is using, create an account if needed with a professional email/username to make sure you are organised on the day and avoid any last-minute installation issues right before your interview.

Don’t panic if you have technical issues on the day

After nearly a year of working online has meant interviewers will more than likely have experienced every technical issue in the book – don’t panic if your internet speed suddenly drops, everyone is understanding of the limitations of being online. If you are experiencing difficulties that day mention it to the interviewer at the start so they are aware which should also help calm your nerves.

Practice your posture & camera positioning

Under normal circumstances you would maintain eye contact with the interviewer so while this is difficult in a video interview you will still need to show you’re engaged so have a mock interview video call with a friend or family member running through some practice questions which can help you work out a comfortable distance from the webcam and where is best to look on your screen/at the camera to show you’re listening and engaged. Sometimes it can be distracting if you can see yourself in the preview window so it can help to minimise that from your view so you can stay focused on the interviewer.

Dress to Impress (Head-to-Toe!)

When deciding on an outfit you want to be just as smart and formal as you would for an in-person interview, although it may be tempting to keep your pyjama trousers on it’s better to get into a focused mindset and be professional. Avoid wearing bright, flashy colours as they may not always look great on video but prior to the interview try out any potential outfits on your webcam to see how they look.

Be ready with your questions & show your appreciation

There will always be an opportunity to ask questions, usually towards the end of the session/interview. Show that you have done your homework on the company/role and that you would be a good fit for the firm by asking thoughtful and intuitive questions. End the interview on a high note by kindly thanking them for taking the time to speak to you and mention you look forward to hearing back from them.