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What I would have done differently as a student in hindsight

In my previous blog, I was sharing my insights on the exam preparation process and how to make this time more productive. Today, let me look back from a new perspective and consider the things I wish I had done differently during that process.

Here is a list of the actions I would have taken if I could go back in time and start over. I would have been more conscientious in sticking to my schedule. In fact, deviating from it was my biggest source of worry. It is important to remember that making a commitment to ourselves bears the same weight as making a commitment to others.

I would have done things differently. Sometimes our own trial-and-error method is the greatest way to identify and correct flaws. All it takes is a bit more faith in our own decisions about how to tackle the subject at hand, while also acknowledging that there is no secret recipe for becoming the greatest students we can be. Most problems with how we approach our studies are fixable, but we must first identify them.

I would have paid closer attention to the online lectures. They not only augment our notes but also provide a framework of the most significant principles on each module topic. The more we listen to the lectures, the better we will understand the concepts. My programme gives me the benefit of having all lectures recorded and available on-demand for an extended period of time. Many students on campus only get to hear each lecture once. As a result, it is prudent to make greater use of these resources. The lecture scripts are another hidden treasure. By listening to the lectures while following and highlighting the script, I was able to absorb concepts much more quickly.

I would have spent more time preparing thorough answers for the formative activities in the module guides for Undergraduate Laws. The importance of participating in this self-testing activity cannot be overstated! Yes, it may appear to be time-consuming at first, but what if going through each task revealed that we already know more than we believe? What if this was a tool for raising our comfort level with each subject? And what if this tool also taught us how to argue better? Internalising the information from each chapter is the first stage, followed by learning how to apply it. These exercises are among the most effective tools for it.

If this were a boxing essay, I'd probably tell you that the activities are among our finest sparring partners for the big day.

Finally, such reflection is only beneficial if it is constructive. Your list may differ, but in any case, let it be a motivation for growth rather than a cause of bitterness.

Good Luck with all your exams in the future !

The University of Manchester arch in the sunset