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What to do on the rainy days in Manchester (or any other city)

Especially if you’ve been planning lots of activities outside on the weekend, it can understandably come as a disappointment when it starts to rain. After all, you were looking forward to a weekend in the sun and enjoying getting back to nature. But the good news is, all is not lost. While much of the life experience is tied to the great outdoors, there is so much you can do inside to improve your experience staying at home. These activities are majorly value-added experiences that will keep you entertained during bad weather.

Build a Puzzle

Everyone likes a good puzzle, whether they are willing to admit it or not. Chances are, if you walk past a half-done puzzle on a table, you can’t help but stop for the satisfaction of adding one piece before walking by. If you have roommates, you can all work collectively on the same puzzle or start separately and swap puzzles to add some variation. No matter what you choose, make sure you snap a picture or two of your progress throughout the trip.

person holding a piece of a jigsaw

Cosy Up with A Good Book (Or Write One)

Most of us have a book lying around that we have always meant to read but have never been able to find the time for. If it starts raining on the weekend, don’t let the opportunity pass you by. Curl up with your book and a hot cup of tea and listen to the rain fade out in the background. On the flip side, this might be the perfect time to start writing the memoir you’ve always dreamed of starting or giving journaling a real and honest attempt.

person leafing through a book

Embrace Your Artistic Side

Why not brush up on those old painting skills? Or pick up a new hobby. This will require some extra materials, so it may be worth picking some up ahead of time if the weekly forecast is projecting some inclement weather. Use your hands and learn to play with clay, doodle cartoons, build a scrapbook, crochet, knit or cross-stitch. If you have a working oven, you could even learn to bake bread. When you have nothing but time on your side and a quiet atmosphere, there’s simply no reason not to try something new. You can spend the day relaxing as you navigate this new skill and unleash your inner artist.

a record, a camera and a painting set on a table

Dance in the Rain

Who says you have to stay inside? As long as you are mindful of avoiding dangerous storms and lightning, there’s nothing to say you can’t play around despite a bit of drizzle. Layer up in a rain jacket and go outside. These might be your favourite memories from that weekend.

two people under an umbrella in a city