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Social Impact Project

You get free consultancy; Manchester MBAs get a life-changing experience.

Whether you are a small community group looking for support with a fundraising campaign, or a larger company looking at sustainability issues, the MBA Social Impact Project will give you the tangible, actionable results you need to develop your organisation - and, typically, you don't need to pay a penny.

You get:

More than 200 hours of intensive work from five MBAs.
An average of five days support from a world-class tutor.
A consultancy project worth £10,000 in equivalent consultancy fees.

To discuss your requirements today email






of charge

Step 1 - Agreement in principle to undertake a project.

Step 2 - Develop project brief
Whether you have clearly defined objectives and deliverables, or just a vague idea of the issue you need addressing, we can help you develop a brief that will give you the outcome you want.

Step 3 - Submit your brief
We will choose the most appropriate student group for your particular business needs. Wherever possible we will try to match the students' professional and/or personal background to your organisation's aims and requirements.

Step 4 - Begin your project
It is up to you how much time you commit during the project but we recommend regular dialogue to check the team's progress and discuss any issues. The more time you put in, the better outcome you'll get.

Step 5 - Get the results
Your student team will present the outcomes of their research to you. This will be followed up with a formal report. You will be asked for your feedback on the project as part of our commitment to continually improving the project for future clients and students.

Early July Agree brief and submit to Alliance MBS 4 hours
Early September Meet/brief team 2 hours
September-November Project completed 1 hour per week
Mid November Final presentations 2 hours
December Receive final report  

Action for Sustainable Living
After Adoption
Age Concern
Air Ambulance
Big Life Group
Foundation for Peace
Henshaws Society for Blind People
Intensive Care Society
National Football Museum
National Trust
People’s History Museum
Prison Advice and Care Trust
Royal Commonwealth Society
Victim Support

Video testimonials

Click on a heading below to hear about success stories from previous projects.

Stephen Tongue, Director of Fundraising at Henshaw’s Society for Blind People, talks about his experience working with a group of Alliance MBS MBA candidates on a social impact consultancy project.

Elise Stewart, CEO of Valley’s Kids, explains how the AMBS MBA Not-for-Profit Consultancy project has helped her organisations.

Vic Turnbull, Founder and CEO of Mic Media, explains how she worked with a group of AMBS MBA students on a project to evaluate the social impact of podcasting.

MBA candidate, Shreya Bahadur talks about her experience on the not-for-profit consultancy project.

MBA candidate, Sam Williams talks about what he learned on his not-for-profit consultancy project.

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Discuss your recruitment requirements: 0161 275 6584