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Knowledge exchange case study

Innovation through collaboration

Alliance MBS’ Professor Judy Zolkiewski and Dr Ebi Marandi with IPEC Ltd.

IPEC Ltd logo

IPEC Ltd offer turnkey solutions for asset monitoring and testing. IPEC are experts in On-line Partial Discharge (PD) testing of MV and HV plants and have developed world leading technology for the detection and location of PD in cables, switchgear and accessories.

Our partnership with IPEC Limited

IPEC work with clients around the world, including; UK Power Networks, Network Rail, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, China Steel Corporation, Taiwan Power Company and Hong Kong Electric.

Over a 2 year project the KTP has addressed two primary needs of the business; firstly, the ability to efficiently control and support IPEC’s network of distributors. The KTP managed the implementation of a distributor management model within the business which enabled IPEC to get the best out of the network of representatives IPEC has around the globe.  The second opportunity was the creation of the IPEC Servitisation models, enabling IPEC to fully take advantage of the associated services which can be sold along with, or independently of, their products. It has created a definable new business area and source to generate additional revenue.

Academic benefits

The KTP has enabled the development of academic research and credibility in the area of servitisation, including jointly hosting the Spring 2016 Servitisation Conference in Manchester together with Aston Business School and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at the University of Sheffield, thus further enhancing interdisciplinary and cross University working. Building on this success further research projects and papers are under development relating to the use of big data in B2B contexts

The KTP has facilitated student engagement supporting live projects relating to B2B Marketing which provided opportunities for Masters Students to collect research data for their dissertations. The KTP has also provided invaluable Knowledge Transfer and has helped the academic team broaden their understanding of SME contexts and expanded their knowledge of the impact of culture in a global business operating in diverse markets such as the UAE and the Republic of Korea.

Involvement in KTPs is one of the most exciting aspects of my role, to see leading edge thinking put into practice and bringing benefits to companies is to me a critical aspect of academic life

— Professor Judy Zolkiewski, Alliance Manchester Business School