Enterprise School 2021
This interactive Enterprise School is open for all current students at The University of Manchester who are new to enterprise and entrepreneurship and have an interest and desire to learn more and develop their skill-set.
Register your interest now for the opportunity to participate in this year’s Enterprise School which will develop your enterprising skills and mindset whilst enabling you to work on real-life problems facing the community in Manchester.
Each year, Masood Entrepreneurship Centre runs an Enterprise School for all current students to introduce the concept of entrepreneurship and what it takes to start a business. With current restrictions in mind, it will run virtually for a second year! There will be no compromise on quality; it will continue to support an exciting programme of inspirational talks and practical activities, which in turn will develop your skills and enhance your entrepreneurial mindset.
Working in groups, you will be supported by a core team of professionals to develop your own plans for a Social Enterprise, and be introduced to founders of existing organisations each with their own social missions.
The Enterprise School will be an enjoyable experience, built up of interactive exercises and encourage you to work with like-minded individuals. You will learn how to spot opportunities, test your thoughts, and start building a sustainable business plan.
You will ‘graduate’ from the Enterprise School with a set of skills that can be applied in many situations, whatever your subject area.