Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Manchester Full-time MBA: Online information session
Join Ruth Mountain, Global Careers & External Relations Manager, and Chris Garnett, Head of Postgraduate Careers & Employability who will be hosting this interactive session alongside members of the MBA recruitment team.
Join Ruth Mountain, Global Careers and External Relations Manager and Chris Garnett, Head of Postgraduate Careers and Employability for an interactive session.
They will talk you through the careers activity on the Full-time MBA, while providing an insight into the continued in-programme support. The recruitment team will also be on hand to answer any questions about the MBA programme and the admissions process.
The Full-time MBA at a glance:
- Study over 18, 15 or 12 months
- 3 live consultancy projects
- Truly global: 30 nationalities, international projects, exchange programme and 5 global centres
- Customise your MBA: internship, international exchange, overseas study tours, electives at our global centres
- Dedicated personalised careers support
- Scholarships for the best talent