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Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Gaining the Edge: Executive Education for the Third Sector

A free one-day taster programme on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), leadership, strategic productivity, and digital marketing delivered by our leading academics and Executive Education team. You will gain insights into both theory and practical solutions to these topics.

Event Time
25 Jun 10:00 - 25 Jun 15:00
Event Location
Alliance Manchester Business School
Event Type

This event is part of Alliance Manchester Business School’s Festival of Business

This event is now fully booked.

A free one-day taster programme on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), leadership, strategic productivity, and digital marketing delivered by our leading academics and Executive Education team. You will gain insights into both theory and practical solutions to these topics.

A must-attend event for third sector and not-for-profit managers, leaders, and teams on how to meet future challenges for your organisation.

Key topics include:

  • Leading ESG and Sustainability – Ismail Erturk
  • Strategic Productivity – Bart van Ark
  • Digital Marketing Essentials for Leader – Dawn Holmes

Join us at this free event hosted at Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester.

Lunch and refreshments are included. This event is intended for those working in the third and voluntary sectors.

Leading ESG and Sustainability

Many businesses understand the importance of prioritising ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and sustainability and have some level of operation in place. However, many are still grappling with the transition to making ESG a core element of their operations, strategy, and culture.

This session will take an integrated approach to developing ESG strategies, which will allow businesses to evaluate their performance effectively, respond to societal needs, and avoid sustainability box-ticking exercises.

Ismail Erturk

Delivered by Ismail Erturk, Senior Lecturer in Banking. As well as vast academic experience, Ismail has also undertaken various advisory work for companies and government institutions internationally. His research interests include purpose of the firm, financialisaton, corporate governance, cultural economy, green finance and ESG.

Strategic Productivity

Productivity is a key driver of economic prosperity across all international business landscapes. As businesses strive to navigate evolving markets, digital technology advancements, and competing international markets, the ability to optimise productivity becomes paramount.

Take your business to greater heights and enable the sustainable growth and success of your business by investing in effective productivity strategies.

Bart van Ark

Delivered by Bart van Ark, Professor of Productivity Studies and Managing Director and Principal Investigator of The Productivity Institute. He is is an internationally acclaimed economist in the field of international comparative productivity measurement and analysis, innovation and technology, and digital transformation, and his research has cut across the areas of economic growth, development economics, economic history and international economics and business.

Digital Marketing Essentials for Leaders

Having the skills, techniques, and knowledge to implement digital initiatives successfully has never been more important. During this session, you will learn more about digital marketing opportunities, the true value of resilient digital strategies, and how to critically evaluate tools, techniques, and trends to use digital marketing to your advantage.

Dawn Holmes

Delivered by Dr Dawn Holmes, Assistant Professor of Marketing. Dawn has industry experience in the technology sector, as well as undertaking a DBA focusing on the use of data to improve B2B customer experiences. Dawn is also a non-executive director at the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

The event will be hosted by MBA alumna Claire Marie-Boggiano, Lurig Leadership & Change.

Welcome refreshments will be available from 9.30am with the event starting at 10am and finishing at 3pm. Lunch is included.