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Friday, 27 November 2020

Macroeconomics and Productivity Workshop

This workshop will help kick-off some of the streams of work to be undertaken by The Productivity Institute, which is a new ESRC investment across nine academic institutions in the UK.

Event Time
27 Nov 10:00 - 27 Nov 13:00
Event Location
Event Type

This workshop will help kick-off some of the streams of work to be undertaken by The Productivity Institute, which is a new ESRC investment across nine academic institutions in the UK. The presentations will outline work in progress and be discussed by early career researchers. The final session will try to draw some threads for our future work agenda as we link productivity performance to macroeconomic policies and institutions.

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Jagjit Chadha (NIESR) and Bart van Ark (The Productivity Institute)

Keynote: Prof Sir Chris Pissarides (LSE)

Nick Crafts (Sussex) “Productivity Growth in the Long Run” Discussant: Rebecca Stuart (Neuchatel)

Miguel Leon-Ledesma (Kent) “Demand, macro policies, and the dynamics of TFP” Discussant: Lidia Smitkova (Cambridge)

John Tsoukalas (Glasgow) “Firm dynamics, financial frictions, and private equity” Discussant: Francesca Vinci (Nottingham)

Nick Oulton (LSE) "The Great Stagnation in the UK: a macro or micro phenomenon?" Discussant: Susanne Karbe (Durham)

Concluding Remarks

Giancarlo Corsetti (Cambridge), Hande Kucuk (NIESR), Tony Venables (Oxford)

Organiser: Jagjit S. Chadha