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Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Original Thinking Lecture with Michelle Carter

Join Professor Michelle Carter for an Original Thinking Lecture exploring the evolving landscape of IT identity and its implications for business and society.

Event Time
2 Oct 13:00 - 2 Oct 14:00
Event Location
Alliance Manchester Business School (online also available)
Event Type

Our Original Thinking Lecture series showcases some of the world-leading research from colleagues at Alliance Manchester Business School.

Michelle Carter, Professor of Information Systems and Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at AMBS, will give her inaugural lecture at this event.

Digital Echoes: How Our Tech Past Shapes Our Future

Michelle's lecture will explore the evolving landscape of IT identity and its implications for business and society. Developed in collaboration with colleagues, the concept of IT identity examines how technology becomes integral to our self-concepts, influencing behaviours and decision-making within organisations and beyond.

Building on this foundation, Carter and colleagues introduce the concept of "forgone IT identity", challenging the conventional view that individuals fully abandon their IT identities when newer technologies are introduced. Instead, this research highlights how enduring connections with previous IT continue to shape current experiences and behaviours.

As we navigate the era of artificial intelligence and rapid technological change, understanding these 'digital echoes' is crucial. This lecture will delve into how these insights can inform strategies for managing technological transitions, fostering innovation, and enhancing resilience not only within organizations but also in broader societal contexts. The implications extend to how individuals and communities adapt to technological advancements, ensuring inclusion and empowerment in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Join us for an engaging discussion on how these collaborative efforts are shaping our understanding of technology's role in our lives, offering fresh perspectives for leaders and innovators in today's digital world.

Michelle Carter

Michelle Carter is a Professor of Information Systems and Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.

Carter's research focuses on the complex interplay between IT usage behaviours, identity, and social change. Her work has been published in top-tier journals such as MIS Quarterly, the European Journal of Information Systems, and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Carter has recently taken on the role of Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at MIS Quarterly, reflecting her commitment to advancing inclusivity in academia. She also serves as the co-Editor-in-Chief of AIS Transactions on Replication Research and has contributed to the editorial boards of several leading journals, including Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Recognised as a Distinguished Member – Cum Laude of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Carter has held various leadership roles in the information systems academic community, including serving on the AIS Council from 2021 to 2024.