Scale-Up Forum - Effective management to restart your business
Following the coronavirus health crisis, learn how business leaders can begin to navigate what’s next.
Following the coronavirus health crisis, learn how business leaders can begin to navigate what’s next.
In a crisis, near-term issues of cash management for liquidity and solvency are clearly vital. Yet businesses will need to act on broader resilience plans if they are to reset their competitive position. Join Paul Jones, Cloud Water Brewery, Courtney Owens, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Organisational Psychology at Alliance Manchester Business School and Fiona Nightingale, Knowledge Transfer Adviser, The Knowledge Transfer Network, partner of Innovate UK, as they discuss how in the face of a volatile and uncertain environment, resilience is a vital necessity.
We want to create a unique platform for fast-growing business to discuss, share best practice and access high level expertise from the Alliance MBS and our partners, we expect demand for attendance to be high and therefore registrations will be verified in order to ensure a non-sales environment.
Watch Courtney Owens' video on how to overcome the issues that Scale-Up Forum businesses can face:
Hear Fiona Nightingale's thoughts about how important management Knowledge Transfer Partnerships will be for businesses moving forward:
Watch Jay from DWF share his reasons why he thinks initiatives like the Scale-Up Forum are so important:
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