Friday, 11 October 2019
The Manchester Management Development Programme - Breakfast taster event - 11 October 2019
Join the Executive Education team for a taste of what our most popular general management programme could mean to you.
- Event Time
- 11 Oct 08:00 - 11 Oct 09:30
- Event Location
- Executive Education Centre, Alliance Manchester Business School, Booth Street West, Manchester M15 6PB
- Event Type
- Executive Education
Our Executive Café workshop is serving up bite sized slices of the five crucial concepts of business management.
- Leadership and talent development
- Digital marketing and sales
- Finance
- Strategy and innovation
- Project management
In small group rounds, you will quickly unpick what each concept means to you. Once you have sampled all five concepts, you get to share your insights and hear from the other people in the Executive Café.
We look forward to welcoming you.