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AMBS colleagues recognised for teaching excellence

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023
  • School

Congratulations to our AMBS teaching colleagues who have been recognised by the 2023 University of Manchester Teaching Excellence Awards. 

The Teaching Excellence Awards recognise a significant and sustained commitment to excellence in one or more strategic themes for teaching, learning and student experience.

This year, Jenni Rose, Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance won an award for her flexible learning and digital delivery, and for assessment and feedback.

Jenni demonstrated how her innovative approach to feedback on assessment has had a wide reach, delivering significant value to students and educators. 

Jenni's two-year pilot programme involved 1,400 undergraduate and 100 MBA students who benefitted from writing active feedback for themselves, which her research has shown increases intellectual development, encouraging students to rely on other sources of information beyond their teacher. 

The impact of her work is highlighted by the fact that students who completed the formative assignments in the undergraduate pilot achieved, on average, 23 marks higher in summative exams than those who did not submit in the first year of the pilot and a gain of 12 marks was shown in Year 2, even when more students engaged. 

Jenni's approach to active feedback holds immense value, as it shifts the dynamics of student learning and elevates their role as active evaluators in their own educational journeys.


Three Alliance MBS colleagues were highly commended or commended for their teaching:

  • Dr Matthew Alford is a Senior Lecturer in International Business and Management and was highly commended for his educational leadership and inclusive education.
  • Jonathan Styles is a Senior Lecturer in Enterprise and was highly commended for his educational leadership.
  • Dr Francisca Álvarez Figueroa is a Lecturer in Employment Studies and was commended for her inclusive education and the student voice.