Dr Jo Mylan is a Lecturer in Sustainability and Innovation within the Innovation Management and Policy Division at Alliance MBS. Dr Mylan discusses the importance of understanding innovation and sustainability in times of crises, and how the unit ‘Innovating for Sustainability’ on the MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship degree course equips students with this knowledge and understanding for the future.
“The current global crisis has brought disruption to multiple domains of society. Uncertainty prevails across daily life and the systems that provide the services that underpin it. Sectors including food provision, transport, energy generation, waste treatment, and retail – not to mention health and education – have all faced unprecedented challenges.
“Amidst this widespread uncertainty, one thing is for sure: innovation will be crucial in our collective journey of recovery. How businesses, governments and citizens can contribute moving towards a more sustainable world must now become a key question for the years ahead. As such, there has never been a more important time to understand the strategies, drivers and challenges of fostering innovation for sustainability.
“Sustainable innovation is an important theme across the MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship degree course. The course is hosted by the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR) at Alliance MBS, home to world-leading expertise in this area. The ‘Innovating for Sustainability’ elective unit offers a unique opportunity to take a deeper dive into this topic, exploring and discussing insights from research conducted at MIOIR and beyond.
“Students are encouraged to develop their understanding of the issues surrounding environmental and social sustainability while also exploring how business can respond by changing what they are doing - both strategically and operationally - to gain or maintain a competitive advantage whilst improving their sustainability performance.
“Combining theoretical insights with real-world case studies, the course supports students in developing an appreciation of why our ability to prosper now and in the future requires attention not only to economic and social progress but also to enhancing the natural environment, and how this can be achieved through various forms of innovation.”
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