Master’s blogger Payal Metha, MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations class of 2020, shares her reflections on the 2019/20 academic year at Alliance MBS.
“I chose to do a master’s in HR because of my love for people management and with the increased importance of the ‘human capital’ in the 21st century it seemed like the best option. The events in the last few months have reinforced my opinion. With the high global ranking and the spectacular business school, Alliance MBS at The University of Manchester was an obvious choice.
“I was aware that pursuing a master’s isn’t easy and there was the added fear of living away from home in a foreign land. However, soon after landing in Manchester, I realised that I had taken the right decision.
“The course was intellectually challenging and there were opportunities for me to discuss, debate and present on global issues facing the field. The course has an international cohort, which makes the learning experience even more interesting as everyone brought a fresh perspective to the table. Our lecturers are highly qualified and extremely supportive.
“Throughout the course, we have engaged in a multitude of activities, which helped us in our personal growth and honed our teamwork skills. We participated in inter-university debates (and won!), went on the Brathay trip, helped organise the MSc Conference and did tons of group work. I, along with many of my course mates enrolled with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) to get hands-on experience of what it’s like to work in HR.
“Although we were putting in long hours of studying and working on our essays, as a course, we always find time to socialise and de-stress. We went for trips, organised course get-togethers, played games and helped each other out with our university work. I think the one thing that really set us apart from the rest of the students was our willingness to network and connect. To be surrounded by a group of students of all age groups that had the common goal to learn about the field and pick each other’s brain to challenge the status quo was my favourite part of the master's.
“Looking back at my journey at Alliance MBS so far, I am glad I chose to study here and am grateful for all the opportunities that came my way that made my experience truly rewarding.”
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