Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS
Alliance MBS Magazine issue 13 cover

Issue 13

Alliance Manchester Business School magazine

The Alliance Manchester Business School magazine is published twice a year and distributed widely across Greater Manchester and the North West, as well as nationally and internationally, to companies, organisations, policymakers, academics, alumni and current students. It is also widely read by audiences at our regular Vital Topics and Original Thinking Applied lecture series.

Featuring interviews with academics from across the School, as well as with PhD, MBA and Executive Education students, the magazine gives the School the opportunity to share its academic thought leadership to a wider audience in keeping with our Original Thinking Applied ethos. Articles also reinforce our strong commitment to the development of responsible business as a force for good, and highlight our wider commitment to Social Responsibility, a core strategic goal of The University of Manchester.

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Issue 13

Summer 2024

No-one knows exactly what business will look like in 2050, but it won’t be business as usual. We look at how business schools will play a key role in helping confront the huge global challenges and opportunities we face, whether it’s the threats from climate change or the opportunities around AI. We also feature an exclusive interview with one of Britain’s leading business figures, Sir Terry Leahy, who has funded a new Chair in Urban and Regional Economics at AMBS.

Free copies are distributed throughout our building or you can read online.

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Inside issue 13

Featured article

Interview with Sir Terry Leahy

The new Sir Terry Leahy Chair in Urban and Regional Economics at AMBS will oversee detailed research into regional productivity inequalities.

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Magazine issues

Alliance MBS Magazine cover issue 13

Issue 13

Summer 2024

Alliance MBS Magazine cover issue 12

Issue 12

Autumn 2023

Alliance MBS Magazine cover issue 11

Issue 11

Spring 2023

Alliance MBS Magazine cover issue 10

Issue 10

Summer 2022

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