Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

Andrew Devey's experience

Deputy Director Infrastructure, Finance and Military Capability, Ministry of Defence

Advanced Management Achievement Course (AMAC)

A highly specialised programme designed for military officers moving into management and executive careers.

The Advanced Management Achievement Course (AMAC) is a three-week highly specialised programme offering practical, interactive sessions which will help you develop the confidence and management tools to take the next step in your career. 

Why did you decide to join AMAC?

There’s nothing like a personal recommendation, and AMAC has an excellent reputation in Defence resettlement circles. It was recommended to me by staff and fellow attendees on my senior officer resettlement briefing. I was keen to attend when I learned the impressive breadth of what’s covered, and of the strong reputation of Alliance Manchester Business School.

What key skills and knowledge do you feel you have gained from this course?

Resettlement and moving into the business world can be daunting, especially for those of us who have spent all our working life in Defence. AMAC really helped me to situate my experience in a business context.

It’s surprising how much of our experience reads across once you understand the language and the context, but AMAC was brilliant at building my confidence in my existing knowledge and skills, and it helped fill some important gaps such as financial accounting and commercial negotiation.  

What did you enjoy the most about the course?

The teaching is brilliant, and the academics are truly impressive. The whole approach to learning is mature and confidence-building. Topics are covered at a strategic level, concentrating on the important themes and challenges, and linking together the breadth of subject areas rather than sweating the detail.

This makes it intellectually stimulating, accessible, and relevant. The breadth of experiences and seniorities of the delegates is a hidden strength, bringing a richness and energy to the debate.

How have you implemented what you learnt on the course within your own organisation?

I did the course immediately after handing over my final Army appointment.  I have used what I learned extensively in my networking since, as I look for my first role outside the Army. It has helped me immensely in conversing with senior business executives in their own language, and in helping me convey how my experience translates to their business.  

I am also convinced that AMAC has a huge amount to offer those not yet ready to hang up their uniforms. So much of what’s covered has direct relevance to what we do in the armed forces; particularly in areas such as strategy, governance, procurement, and personnel, but also in terms of social, economic, and commercial awareness.  I would certainly recommend it as first class professional development course and a brilliant use of ELCAS funding, even if your departure from the forces is not imminent. 


What advice would you give to others looking to join the AMAC course?

Firstly, I’d simply say ‘do it!’. AMAC is amongst the very best professional development courses I’ve done.

It’s intellectually stimulating and genuinely educational but it’s not just about what you learn, it’s also about the confidence and the impetus it gives you to really engage with your career transition. It’s also a great alumnus to be part of as your move towards whatever comes next for you.

Andrew Devey

AMAC is amongst the very best professional development courses I’ve done - it’s intellectually stimulating and genuinely educational

Andrew Devey, Deputy Director Infrastructure, Ministry of Defence.

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