Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

Cheryl Valentine’s experience

Management Consultant, KPMG UK

Advanced Management Achievement Course (AMAC)

A highly specialised programme designed for military officers moving into management and executive careers.

The Advanced Management Achievement Course (AMAC) is a three-week highly specialised programme offering practical, interactive sessions which will help you develop the confidence and management tools to take the next step in your career. 

Why did you decide to join the programme?

I completed AMAC in November 2018, the final course completed as a Commissioned Officer and a fitting transition back to civilian street.

I joined the Army in 2012, a bit later than most, as a Professionally Qualified Officer and physiotherapist in the RAMC. Inspired by the leadership and management experiences of the military, AMAC provided a wonderful platform to launch my career into the corporate world.

What did you enjoy the most?

What I found most impressive was the calibre of speakers involved with Alliance Manchester Business School. World renowned and hugely credible in their field, they brought a knowledge and gravitas to their subjects that was impossible not to be inspired by - respected academics, fellow veterans who have transitioned into business and corporate and business leaders.

How have you used what you learnt on the programme?

By providing broad and varied content, the design of the programme ensures that students will all be satisfied.

Personally, the significant focus on accounts and finance introduced my mind to that world which has stood me in great stead for my work in KPMG Management Consultancy. Challenging the manner in which a military mind generally works with conceptual topics was a personal highlight.

I would encourage anyone moving from the military into the next chapter in life to make this course a must.

Cheryl Valentine

The calibre of speakers involved was impressive! World renowned and credible in their field, they brought knowledge and gravitas that was impossible not to be inspired by!

Cheryl Valentine, Management Consultant, KPMG UK

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