Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

Jonathan Falder's experience

Director and Owner, HMG Paints Ltd

Managing Complex Business Challenges

This course helps leaders explore new approaches to governance, communication and engagement when navigating decision making and complex business situations.

During Managing Complex Business Challenges, delegates will work alongside curious and open-minded business leaders to deconstruct conventional management approaches and tackle challenges with a new perspective.

A data led approach will help you to ask the right questions to reach successful conclusions.

Why did you decide to join the Managing Complex Business Challenges course?

This course seemed like the perfect fit for an SME such as HMG Paints in an ever more complex and multifaceted world.

In our business, we have a mixture of one-off, large scale projects and longer term strategic projects, so the subject matter is relevant for both of these areas. 

What key skills and knowledge do you feel you have gained from this course?

The course revealed an entirely different approach to managing decision making and governance. It's fair to say that it has been quite transformational in altering my thinking behind how we make and manage decisions.

What did you enjoy the most about the course?

There are two aspects that make a course enjoyable. One is the subject matter which is very relevant to how our business operates in the manufacturing sector.

The second is the quality of the teaching. Paolo’s teaching style is extremely engaging, utilising a myriad of case studies and examples to help translate concept into understandable and implementable systems.

How will you implement what you learnt on the course within your own organisation?

The Maieutic Machine is already being used within our organisation, only 2 weeks after finishing the course! 

I cannot think of a better example of academia being implemented into real business process than that.

What advice would you give to others looking to join this course?

My advice would be to think about how decisions are made within your organisation for example in meetings. Often business meetings frame a situation from a specific angle/perspective, telling participants what is happening rather than encouraging participation from differing viewpoints.

This course helps implement systems to open ideas up for council and debate. As a consequence, decision making is more comprehensive and better decisions get made.

Jonathan Falder

The course revealed an entirely different approach to managing decisions and governance and it has been transformational in altering my thinking behind making decisions.

Jonathan Falder, Director and Owner, HMG Paints Ltd.

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