Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

Neil Ford's experience

Operational Manager, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

EGA Senior Leader Apprenticeship

The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) Programme is an award-winning leadership development programme. It is designed for senior leaders and managers working in health and social care.

Since 2013, over 2,509 leaders have participated in the EGA standard pathway. The newly developed Senior Leader Apprenticeship Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, provides an alternative pathway - building on the success of the existing programme and incorporating the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for a senior leader apprenticeship award.

The two-year part-time Level 7 Apprenticeship is funded by the Apprenticeship Levy. The programme leads to a Masters (MSc) in Healthcare Leadership from The University of Manchester and NHS Leadership Academy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership.

Head and shoulder image of Neil Ford

The programme gave me a wider knowledge base and framework when making decisions and allowed me to make changes within the workplace that made a real difference.

Neil Ford, Operational Manager, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Neil's experience on the programme

What was your motivation for joining the EGA Senior Leader Apprenticeship programme?

I had previously completed an ILM 4 and 5 and discussions with my work coach identified that my career goals were to move into a more senior management position. An internal email advert alerted me to the course.

Were there any work challenges you hoped the programme would help you to overcome?

I was confident in the role I held. However, I felt that the challenge of having an extended portfolio, as well as being able to take a more strategic and operational overview would benefit me if I had the opportunity to gain more experience.

Do you think the EGA Senior Leader apprenticeship programme enhanced your career and/or your working practice?

It gave me a wider knowledge base and framework when making decisions. I already had a grounding in theory, but being able to talk through situations with my peers in a non-judgemental, constructive, and progressive manner, allowed me to make changes within the workplace that made a real difference. I have been enthused to apply for more senior roles.

Which aspects of the Senior Leader apprenticeship do you use most in your work?

Using collaborated outcomes and strategies is an area I have made sure that is at the forefront of developments. Having a deep understanding of change management and continuous improvement helps keep the workplace vibrant, at the forefront and a place where people want to work.

What is the most positive impact your apprenticeship had for you?

Meeting and discussing situations, challenges and having support in developing has been positive in its impact for me. I feel my confidence in decision-making has further improved and been honed in critical thinking.

What is the most positive impact your apprenticeship had on your organisation?

Gaps in services have been identified and discussions held to make the flow for patients through services better. Communication has improved between teams and open dialogue has become the normal.

What advice would you give someone about to start the EGA Senior Leader Apprenticeship?

The course took up considerable time outside of normal working practices. Having the support at home and in the workplace is essential.

Doing the reading associated with the course in a timely manner helps keep on track. Being systematic and consistent helps keep on tope of the workload. Utilising peer discussions to gain a broad insight allows for deeper and more relevant reflection.

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