Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

Suzana Aroko's experience

Communications Manager, UONGOZI Institute

Unlocking Strategic Competitive Advantage

A course to steer your team’s strategic planning and learn how to shape senior-level strategy to overcome the competition.

Unlocking Strategic Competitive Advantage will support you to demystify new market opportunities and plan high-performance market strategies that help you and your business stay focused on what really matters competitively.

During this intensive and applied four-day business course, you will be equipped with essential strategic planning tools, techniques and frameworks needed to design and deliver defensible, market-winning strategies.

Why did you decide to join the Unlocking Strategic Competitive Advantage course?

I felt that this programme aligned well with my current role at my organisation as I deal with stakeholders from various backgrounds and nationalities, including customers and development partners.

I therefore wanted to gain a better understanding of best practices to meet their needs and objectives.

What key skills and knowledge do you feel that you gained from this course?

Personally, the course has strengthened my ability in devising market-focused strategies that will enable my organisation to position itself for highly competitive markets in Africa and across the world.

It has also made me competent in the logic and principles underpinning strategies focused on market success.

What did you enjoy the most about the course?

My favourite part of the course was creating relevance through the Blue Ocean Strategy, which focuses on creating new demand in an uncontested market space rather than by competing head-to-head with other actors for known customers in an existing industry.

It made me recall some of the discussions that I've had within my workplace around ‘how to remain relevant’ and ‘enhance the regional presence’. The concept of ‘hiring your product’ has also stuck in my head since completing the course as it challenges you to focus on what influences revenue the most: your customers. 

How will you implement what you learnt on the course within your own organisation?

I really feel that the programme came at the right time for me. As the Institute marches into its fourth strategic plan, it is important for it to consider value innovation and a new way of thinking about strategy.

This means focusing on making the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for clients and the Institute, thereby opening up new and contested market space.

With the knowledge I have acquired from the course, I am confident that the Institute will not only develop a market-focused strategy but also, re-think and challenge the existing one rigorously. 

What advice would you give to others thinking about joining this course?

A Nike-inspired advice: Just do it. The course is highly relevant and interactive and I, for one, enjoyed the delivery approach.

It goes beyond lectures to include guest speakers with top industry leaders, case studies, discussions and group exercises.

Suzana Aroko

The course strengthened my ability to devise market-focused strategies, enabling my organisation to position itself in highly competitive markets in Africa and across the world.

Suzana Aroko, Communications Manager, UONGOZI Institute.

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