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Tracey Herrick's experience
Senior SHEQ Projects Manager, EQUANS
Women in Leadership Programme
Senior Leader Apprenticeship Postgraduate Diploma Senior Leadership
In collaboration with EQUANS, a multi-national and multi-technical service provider, we developed the Women in Leadership Programme; an accredited Senior Leader Apprenticeship.
This programme brings together like-minded women from across EQUANS in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
The levy-funded Senior Leader Apprenticeship programme, including a Postgraduate Diploma in Senior Leadership, focuses on strategic leadership development and provides aspiring senior leaders with new knowledge and skills to advance their career.
The programme has an option route to a Masters (MSc) in Senior Leadership (paid for by the learner or their employer).
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The programme has significantly enhanced my career. It has encouraged me to reflect on my actions and how to improve, and gave me the confidence to accept a more senior role.
Tracey's experience on the programme
The motivation came from a supportive team that encouraged me to consider the new senior role. Initially, I was hesitant because I was content in my current role.
However, I eventually enrolled on the Senior Leader Apprenticeship Programme to progress in my career, despite initial concerns about balancing work, study, hidden disabilities and family commitments.
It's been complex (with or without hidden disabilities), but I am proud of my achievements. Remember, tell yourself, 'never back down and push yourself constantly for change.'
I had a lack of self-confidence due to hidden disabilities and personal issues that held me back for years. This also included struggling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. People have always believed in me, but I didn't believe in myself.
I have always worked in the male construction industry - so I have found it a battle - but while working for EQUANS, the support and encouragement I have received have been unbelievable.
Absolutely, I had just refused a senior role but decided to enrol on this intense programme. I was constantly asking myself, 'why are you putting yourself through all this?'.
There was another issue with the amount of time needed to study alongside work and family commitments. I also had significant concerns that my hidden disabilities wouldn't allow me to complete the course, and I'd fall behind.
The programme has significantly enhanced my career. It has encouraged constant reflection on my actions and how to improve - helping me see the bigger picture.
It gave me the confidence to accept the Senior SHEQ Projects Manager role, which I refused 12 months prior due to a lack of confidence and support.
The programme has shown me the importance of reflection, which the course constantly encouraged us to do. All the reading and research have given me the skills to question and improve company policies and procedures, where I created a 'raising the bar document' for my projects.
Completing the Hogan Report and, most importantly, the one-to-one discussion has made me realise that the weaknesses I was aware of shouldn't just be accepted. Weaknesses need to be known so you can strengthen them going forward.
Never accept second best. My parents told me that falling off a horse doesn't mean you can't ride - the best horse riders are the ones who get back on and learn from their mistakes.
The programme has made me step out of my safety bubble and have the confidence to network in different areas of EQUANS. I support the EQUANS Sustainable FM in the UK & Ireland on matters concerning Construction and Design Management Regulations.
The most positive impact for me was the increased self-confidence and ability to overcome self-doubt. The course helped me understand my thoughts and feelings better, mainly by reading articles and researching for each module
I would like to share two areas which had the most positive impact on me which were:
- Encouraging me to network and having the confidence to attend a Women's International Day at Wembley. Here, Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatten did an inspirational speech about her life and said "women will only do a job if they can do 100% whereas a man only needs 60%." This hit home and opened my eyes to leadership.
- I read an article from Harvard Business Review 2020 about 'why capable people are reluctant to lead (Fear of Risk).' I felt this article was written with me in mind. This made me reflect and look back, realising that if I had known this, earlier life might not have been such a struggle.
I could use my knowledge and experience to examine other site successes and failures and help EQUANS improve, rather than just in my safety bubble.
I began questioning myself and researching ways to improve company policies and procedures, which led to higher standards throughout the project and ensured I got the director's approval.
I have also identified that we don't have a centralised tracking system to monitor our site's compliance with the CDM Regulations, which I'm now implementing with the support of the team around me.
My advice would be:
- Don't hesitate to take the opportunity if you're offered it
- Make sure you register for a mentor or coach - these are helpful throughout the course
- Understand that while it's not easy, it's worth it for increased confidence, personal growth - or whatever your concerns are, as the course will address them
- Don't let self-doubt or imposter syndrome hold you back
- Take 'baby steps' and try, as there will be no looking back
- Expect challenges like tears, self-doubt, and setbacks, but know it will be worth it in the long run
- Remember everyone is in the same boat, so shout out if you need help
- Most importantly, don't let any disability or negative thoughts hold you back - speak out, as there is lots of support available, and you will find others in the same situation.
I noticed throughout this programme that I was offering support to others, where I thought it would have been the other way around.