Masters careers support
Dedicated careers support from the moment you join us.
Our team helps you to develop your personal and professional skills, connect you with potential employers and improve your overall employability.
Master's career destinations
Learn about the career paths that graduates from our courses take and read alumni profiles:
- MSc International Business and Management
- MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management
- MSc Management
Postgraduate Careers Service
The Postgraduate Careers Service team designs and delivers a wide range of employability focused services specifically for Alliance MBS master's students, giving you a competitive edge.
Career skills sessions
Once you begin your studies, you will receive a weekly Friday careers email with all upcoming careers events from across the University. Topics covered include:
- Application forms
- Cover letters
- CVs
- Interview preparation
- LinkedIn and other social media
Tailored workshops
- Practice your skills and receive valuable feedback
- Meet with a careers consultant to discuss your plans and applications
One-to-one support
- Meet with a careers consultant to discuss your plans and applications
Guest speakers
- 'Meet the Professionals' events with successful alumni
- Practical advice for your career
Online careers portal
Keep in close contact with the Postgraduate Careers team and receive events information using the Careers Platform.
You can also get in touch with your Postgraduate Careers Service at
Student-led clubs
Build industry links, gain advice and expand your network.
The University of Manchester Careers Service
The Alliance MBS Postgraduate Careers Service works closely with The University of Manchester Careers Service, meaning that you can access the large number of organisations that attend events on campus to present their job opportunities, both in the UK and internationally.
- Careers Fairs
- Employer presentations and events on campus
- Job and internship vacancies (including graduate schemes), volunteering and mentoring
- Career Resources
International student support
As an international student, you can access a range of specialist careers support.
- The University of Manchester Careers Service offers support to help you better understand the global job market. You'll have access to a careers blog, a mentoring programme, international networks and workshops including International Students Careers Week. Find out more about the University's Careers Service >>
- The University Language Centre provides a range of courses and services to help you improve your English language ability. Find out more about the University Language Centre >>
- If you want to work in the UK after your Masters degree we can offer advice on your visa options. Find out more about visa options >>
“The faculty have been great and the students and classmates have all been extremely helpful. But I would say it is the Postgraduate Careers Service team and their guidance, along with the reputation of the University, that has enabled me to tick off nearly all my goals from the beginning of this year.”