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open sign hanging on a door

Thursday, July 9, 2020

We outline the Manchester University approach to how resilience partnerships can develop recovery strategies and ambitious plans for renewal of their areas.

Adrien Querbes

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Dr Adrien Querbes, a lecturer on the MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship course, has delved into his teaching style and discussed the type of content he covers in his course unit, ‘Tools and Methods for Innovation Research’, and how his personal research informs this teaching.

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Dr Heiner Evanschitzky

Monday, July 6, 2020

The retail landscape is facing perhaps its greatest challenge yet, with COVID-19 accelerating changes in consumer behaviour and causing retailers to pivot business models to cater for new demands.

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Expert commentary, Research
Amplify Trading logo 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Each year, Amplify Trading run a Trading Boot Camp for all Alliance MBS students studying MSc Accounting, MSc Accounting and Finance, MSc Finance and MSc Quantitative Finance.

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the alliance manchester business school building during a sunrise

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nuffield Future Researchers 2020 partners with AMBS in a first for the programme and students from The Blue Coat School to join AMBS researchers for summer placement

News Category
Research, School
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