Invited presentations
1. Banister, E. (2018) ‘Making room for dad: Fathers, shared parental leave and our experiences with “impact”’ Keynote speaker, 7th International Research Conference in Marketing, University of Strathclyde Business School, May *
2. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B (2018) ‘SPL: the drive for equality and barriers to “choice”’ Invited presentation to conference on SPL, University of Hertfordshire, April
3. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B. (2017) ‘Making room for dad: perspectives on fatherhood and Shared Parental Leave in the UK’, invited speaker, Transition to parenthood in a cross-cultural context: Pathways to impact, TRIAD researcher workshop, SOSS, University of Manchester, October
4. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B (2016) ‘The great British breadwinner’ conference, Invited panel members, Manchester Metropolitan University, April
Presentation of academic conference papers in the UK and internationally
1. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B. (2018) ‘Shared Parental Leave and the pursuit of gender equality: working fathers as carers – the barriers to choice’, Fairness at Work conference, Manchester2. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B. (2018) ‘Teething troubles or poorly designed? SPLS’s drive for equality and barriers to “choice”’, British Sociological Association (BSA), Newcastle
3. Banister, E. and Kerrane, B (2017) ‘Cultural hindrances to ‘involved fathering’ in the context of SPL’, BSA, Manchester
4. Banister, E., and Kerrane, B. (2016) ‘Shared Parental Leave: Baby steps towards equal child rearing?’, ESA RN 13 Interim meeting of Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives, European Sociological Association, Bristol
5. Banister, E., and Kerrane, B. (2016) ‘Can Men Mother? Employed Men’s Experiences of Shared Parental Leave and Conceptions of Fatherhood’, ACR Gender conference, Paris
Knowledge Transfer
1. Kerrane, B and Banister, E (2017) Invited presentation for Fathers Network Scotland/Lloyds Banking Group: ‘How to support employees taking shared parental leave’ (audience of employers and Scottish parliament), June *
2. Banister, E (2017) Invited chair: Supporting Dads at Work & Returner Programmes Working Mums roundtable, brought together employers (e.g. Vodafone, SKY, KPMG) to discuss and encourage father-friendly (and returner) working practices. London July (white paper:
3. Banister, E (2016) ‘Shared Parental Leave: Employed Fathers’ Perspectives’, Customer Management Leadership Group (CMLG), Manchester, October
Organised Events
• Rouse J. and Banister, E. (2017) co-hosts of ESRC Science Week funded: ‘Family Leave for the Self-Employed: Co-Creating Policy: A Roundtable for Policy Makers and Stakeholders’, Manchester Metropolitan University
• Banister, E. and Kerrane, B. (2017) ‘Shared Parental Leave, work and family life: where should we go from here?’ March, Manchester
• One-day conference with audience of academics, NGOs, policy-makers (40 delegates)
• Keynote speakers: Adrienne Burgess (Joint Chief Executive and Head of Research, The Fatherhood Institute), Jonathan Swan (Senior Research and Policy Manager, Working Families), Professor Caroline Gatrell (Liverpool University) and Professor Berit Brandth (NTNU, Norway).
• Panel discussion: Jeremy Davies (The Fatherhood Institute), Jonathan Swan (Working Families), Sarada Chunduri-Shoesmith and Adam Shoesmith (SPL parents)
• Kerrane, B. and Banister, E. (2017) ‘Fathers, family and gender in the workplace: pursuing pathways to research impact’ November, Lancaster University
• One-day conference with audience primarily of academics (30 delegates)
• Keynote speakers: Professor Tina Miller (Oxford Brooks University); Professor Esther Dermott (Bristol University); Professor David Marshall (University of Edinburgh); Dr Andrea Davies (University of Leicester); Dr Helen Norman (University of Manchester)